Sound Oasis PSH-100 Sleep Therapy Pillow Speaker Holder

Sound Oasis PSH-100 Sleep Therapy Pillow Speaker Holder

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Part Number W93950

The Sleep Therapy Pillow Speaker Holder keeps the Sound Oasis pillow speakers and cords in place for optimal sound quality and comfort while you sleep.

Insert Sound Oasis pillow speakers (not included) into the pillow speaker holder and connect to any Sound Oasis sound machine or any sound source. The holder will keep the pillow speakers upright so they lay flat underneath your pillow for optimal sound quality and more comfortable private listening. Works with both standard and king size pillows. Easily adjust distance between speakers with patent pending “button & hole” fastening system. Soft material bends for greater comfort. Product dimension : 14” x 2.5” x 0.75”.

For use with Sound Oasis SP-100, SP-101, PA-100/PA-200 pillow speakers.